Elgan: When bad tech ideas don't fail

Silicon Valley talks a lot about failure -- about how it's important for young entrepreneurs to "fail early, fail fast and fail often" so they can quickly learn from experience and do better next time.

It's a nice thought. But sometimes bad ideas don't fail. They get press attention, funding and even praise from the tech echo chamber, even though they really should be universally, immediately and vigorously slapped down.

Here's a roundup of my favorite bad technology ideas that won't go away.

iPoo is a social network for people sitting on the toilet. The idea is that since you're sitting there anyway, you might as well "check in" and interact with others currently undergoing the same ordeal. iPoo is an app for iOS and Android. According to the site, iPoo lets you "Write messages, draw graffiti, earn points and badges [and] see what others are posting." Is this really desirable?