Ease web searches with LaunchBar



If you want to search through the Apple Trailers Web site instead, replace imdb in the URL above with apple+trailers. For Macworld, replace imdb with macworld, and for YouTube, replace it with youtube. Now run a search for Avatar using the IMDb search template you just created (make sure you don't confuse it with the one that LaunchBar includes by default), and you'll be taken directly to the movie's listing on the website., "

What we're doing here is just entering imdb avatar in the Google search box, and virtually pressing the 'I'm Feeling Lucky' button instead of pressing Return. Google will automatically take you to the first hit on the results page, which--more often than not--will be exactly where you wanted to land. To make it more specific, you can modify the search template to search only on IMDb:


However, I've found that to be generally unnecessary; it works just fine in the generic version.