Duckduckgo: a user friendly search engine


In terms of queries, it's really good at nouns, i.e. people, places and things. The reason for that is for those types of queries there is usually good Zero-click Info including a topic summary, often an image, and many times related topic and category links for discovery.

More generally, I think we have a compelling UI with less clutter and spam. I think that's why we've gotten traction and have a growing user base who uses it as their primary search engine.

In terms of crawlpower how is DDG going on? how wide is its crawl data base?

We're a hybrid search engine, which means we do our own crawling and indexing but also rely on third party crawling and indexing. I started out before those third party APIs existed, and so was doing everything myself.

But when they came out and after talking to users extensively, I decided to drop most of that and concentrate on our value-ads, which I see as Zero-click Info, less spam and higher relevancy. At this point, we mainly crawl for those purposes only. So while we hit about 100M domains a month, it's mostly for detecting and removing spam. Most of our deep results are provided by Bing, Boss, and EntireWeb, which we re-rank and merge with our Zero-click info indexes (that also include some links).