Do Not Call leaves telemarketing industry on hold


"The efficacy of the Register will be diminished because charities, government agencies and political parties are to be exempt, and these groups make up a significant portion of telemarketing activity," it said.

Meredith added that while the legislation will improve the industry's image, the Register must not inhibit productivity.

"The Register should not become a barrier to those many centers operating in an ethical manner; it should address the concerns over the potential down side for the contact center industry." he said. "Also, it's important that the government makes it easy for the industry to comply with the legislation, such as finding a cost-effective and simple way to filter lists through the Register."

Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Helen Coonan agreed, saying the legislation must be practical.

"It is important that we get the detailed operational arrangements right to make sure that a workable register is developed," Coonan said.