Do Klout Perks carry any real-world weight?


It depends what you're after. Targeted Klout Perk campaigns that single out high-profile influencers may be able to kick up a lot of social return on impressions, but probably offer little real-world return on investment. Klout's new algorithm could help, but I doubt it would make a major difference.

On the other hand, a shotgun-style approach that targets as many people as possible with less stratospheric perks may just pay off--if you plan it well and leave the bar to entry low.

In the end, it all depends on execution and costs, but Klout keeps its Perk campaign fees close to its chest. That's another area where Morgan Brown's post comes in handy; rumors often a for a Klout campaign, but Morgan Brown's two only cost $5,000 apiece, plus Perk expenses.