DigiYumi: Chat with Working Daze Author John Zakour


4) All the cool geeks are doing it.

Aurora Dizon: Tell us a little bit about and why he wants 1k followers on Twitter:

John Zakour: Roy came about as a nod to my friend Ron who did the programming for the Web version of my cartoons and my books. Ron isn't as geeky as Roy. Roy wants at least 1000 Twitter followers because he figures if Ashton K can get close to 2 million, then Roy is surely worthy of 1K. After all, Roy is sure his knowledge of really important things like Star Trek, Unix, and Perl are far superior to Ashton's. Roy would also argue he really isn't THAT much more fictional than the persona of Ashton the public sees.

Aurora Dizon: What are the inspirations for Roy's character?