Digital Astrology: What Type of Tech User Are You?


Ambivalent Networkers

Ambivalent Networkers use mobile devices as much as the Collaborators, but they also find them slightly intrusive. These folks love having handheld devices ready to connect them to friends and deliver them information, both news-related and culture-oriented. They're all about the text messages, too -- but they also resent the idea of always being available and become annoyed by regular ringing and disruptions.

Total amount of population: 7 percent

Media Movers

The Media Mover is less active on wireless devices than the past two groups, but he's still attached to his cell phone in a serious way. This guy (or gal) loves the social aspect of mobile tech and is likely to wirelessly pass along photos and videos during the day. Unlike the Ambivalent Networker, the Media Mover doesn't resent the nonstop presence of high-tech tools in his life.