Defence signs five-year e-heath records contract with CSC


"For JeHDI, CSC assessed the specific requirements of the ADF," CSC's general manager of Defence, Russell Hatton, said, adding the EMIS solution operates in both Health and Defence.

CSC has a track record in e-health and has worked in healthcare markets in the UK and US. In Europe, it worked with the Dutch Ministry of Health to create a secure system that without compromising the privacy of patients. The system pulls together records from multiple healthcare providers, but it doesn't store patient histories and the doctor's system can't store the records.

"We have made substantial investments to support the growing eHealth needs of clinicians, consumers and government," CSC's director of Health Services, Lisa Pettigrew, said.

In a separate project, Defence has also signalled intentions to provide all personnel with .

According to Defence documents, the ICT Security Awareness Training project will help meet requirements to develop a strong security culture and make personnel aware of security threats and their responsibilities.