Day 27: Google Docs Scripts and Power Tips


It did take me a few attempts to master the syntax. You don't need the quotes at the beginning or end of the queries that I listed, but you do have to include the quotation marks around the entity and attribute conditions so Google knows what to look up.

Another power tool from Google is --a Javascript based language that you can use to automate tasks with Google Docs. You can do things like create an expense report workflow that automatically converts currencies, catches errors and omissions, and forwards the expense report on to an approving authority.

You can also use it to automate a mail merge with Gmail. Google told me that there is a update coming soon which will allow Google Maps to be integrated so that mail merge recipients could each receive custom driving directions from their location as well. That sound pretty cool.

These are just a couple of the power tools. At first glance, it seems obvious that Google Docs does not have the bells and whistles of Microsoft Office, but when you start to poke around you find that Google Docs actually has a fair amount of for power users as well.