DARPA Director Goes to Google But Probes Continue


"RedX Defense has received approximately $6 million in contracts from DARPA since it was founded," Brian wrote. "The company received about 30 percent of the $6 million, or $1.75 million, since Dugan became the Director of DARPA."

Dugan, who was the first woman to head DARPA since its founding in 1958, publically stated at the time that she had recused herself from any decisions made by DARPA that would affect RedX's bottom line. "POGO worries that a recusal may not be enough to ensure integrity in the contract process," Brian wrote.

Dugan announced her departure from DARPA earlier this month to take a position at Google, where she will be joining another old DARPA hand, Vinton Cerf, also known as the "father of the Internet."

At the time of Dugan's departure, a spokesperson for DARPA said that the DODIG's investigations played no role in the director's decision to leave the agency.

Dugan's move to Google exposes a systematic problem at the Defense Department, in particular, and the federal government as a whole, according to POGO Communications Director Joe Newman.