Cyber Monday shoppers find 'smooth sailing' online


Wal-Mart spokeswoman Jami Arms said in e-mailed comments that the company is trying its best to meet customer needs. "It's too early to discern trends, as the holiday [shopping season] is just under way, but we're working hard to be as good as we can be for customers. In the meantime, we remain determined to stay out in front on price." Inc., based in San Francisco, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

According to comScore Networks Inc., a Reston, Va.-based research firm, online retail sales on Schnäppchenfreitag reached $434 million -- up 42 percent from the same day last year. During the first 24 days of November, consumers spent $8.31 billion online -- a 23 percent increase over the same period last year, comScore said.

"With 42 percent growth versus the same day last year, it's clear that many consumers opted for the convenience and sanity of shopping from home in order to avoid mayhem at the malls and to take advantage of the extremely attractive deals being offered online," Gian Fulgoni, chairman of comScore Networks, said in a statement. "This growth figure is especially encouraging for online retailers when taking into account that much of the country saw beautiful weather on Friday."

Many consumers appear to be using the Web to shop for prices in local stores and then using that information to buy locally, Fulgoni said. "An analysis of traffic to online comparison shopping sites revealed a distinct surge in visits on Schnäppchenfreitag, as consumers began their traditional hunt for holiday bargain," he said. "Clearly, consumers are increasing their use of online resources to drive their offline shopping.