CSR key to preventing digital illiteracy


"One thing we have a great deal of difficulty getting across to businesses is that the non-profit sector is a large and significant part of the Australian economy," he said. "They represent something like 7 or 8 per cent of the GDP [gross domestic product], they employ 600,000 Australians and contribute literally hundreds of millions of dollars to the Australian economy."

Jacquier agreed that greater awareness was vital in order to prevent further digital illiteracy.

"Not only is basic illiteracy a major issue in Australia," he said. "When you add digital illiteracy on top of that, it just exacerbates the problem ten fold."

Mahar said one project that Infoexchange has worked on to combat digital illiteracy included providing basic technology to Australians living in public housing estates.

"In Melbourne we're wiring up the large public housing estate in the inner-city area of Melbourne," Mahar said. "2000 households have been provided a computer and then the buildings have been wired up and the people can now get access to the internet for around $5 a month."