Crytek Unveils Crysis 3 Multiplayer At Gamescom 2012


RH: The Hunter mode is an asymmetrical mode where you have two versus either 10 or 14, depending on whether its console or PC. The 10 guys are cell troopers that have been shot down in a transport by hunters. They basically need to survive before they can get evacuated. And in order to do so, they need to be light on their toes. They come equipped with motion detectors and advanced weaponry. The hunters come fully cloaked all the time and they have a lot of strength and they have a bow. They are the predator and you are the victim. The twist to this mode is that if you dont make it as a cell trooper, if you do get eliminated from this group, you will be respawned as a hunter. So it becomes increasingly difficult to survive as a cell trooper. This gives you two chances to win because if you do manage to get evacuated as a cell trooper you win a lot of XP and you win the battle. If you dont survive, then you better take those cell troopers down because you want to be on the other side of the thing. Its like an extra secondary reward available, if you get killed and end up on the hunter team. Its a very fun, interesting mode. Its really paranoid to be the last guy standing and have five seconds left on the clock, because the reward is big if you make it. Those five seconds will feel like an eternity.

What role does the environment play in this multiplayer experience?

RH: We just want to have a map that fits well with this type of gameplay. Right now were showing two maps. One is the crash site, which is the one we brought forward from Crysis 2 but have improved. And then theres the hunter map, which is very eerie and foggy. Its set in the old art museum in Manhattan and it has a lot of verticality, a lot of branches you can climb over. It really feels like youre hunting because the whole thing feels like nature. It doesnt really feel like a city. Some maps are more biased towards cities and rubble and ruin. We want to create environments that reflect the type of multiplayer mode youre playing. But we arent really talking about that many different types of maps yet. Well have to wait a little bit with that.

What role will the weapons, especially the new bow, play in the new multiplayer?

RH: The bow is a little bit limited compared to the campaign. Some of the tips you cannot use, but we do have the explosive rounds and the stealth one. In Hunter mode in particular, you just need to feel like the hunter and do that with the bow. Without wanting to make any kind of parallel to the movie Predator, I imagine the hunter would feel like with that bow and constantly being cloaked and sneaking around and using the environment. You can push cars. You can rip up a lamp post and use that as a melee weapon too. There are a lot of things in the environment that you can use as well. Also as a cell., you can pick up shields like using a car door as a shield. There are all these things you can do to use the environment to survive. So its both an offensive thing, but its also a defensive thing to use the environment. Thats an additional layer of interactivity that you have regardless of what team youre on when you play.