Create a Keyboard Shortcut for Your Favorite Folder


5. Within the Shortcut tab, click inside the Shortcut key field.

6. Now you have to decide what keyboard shortcut you want. It could be something like Ctrl-Shift-F or Ctrl-Alt-Q. I recommend using some combination of Ctrl-Shift, Ctrl-Alt, or Shift-Alt, just to avoid conflicts with other programs (which are more likely to use just one of those keys). For sake of argument, let's go with Ctrl-Shift-F. Press that combination, and you'll see it appear in the Shortcut key field.

7. Click OK to complete the process.

Now, whenever you press Ctrl-Shift-F, even when using another program, your Client Files folder will magically appear. By the way, you can use this method to quick-launch favorite apps as well; just right-click a desktop shortcut and repeat the process.

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