Court orders music pirate Jammie Thomas-Rasset to pay original fine of $222,000


"We conclude that the recording companies are entitled to the remedies they seek: damages of $222,000 and a broadened injunction that forbids Thomas-Rasset to make available sound recordings for distribution," the court ruled.

This decision puts Thomas-Rasset and her lawyers in a predicament. While they can still appeal the case to the Supreme Court -- which they've threatened to do -- it's now more likely that any decision will not come down in her favor as there's just too much going for the recording industry at this point.

At the same time, her lawyers may be able to successfully argue that the current law is intended to punish commercial use rather than illicit personal use, as my colleague Jared Newman .

Such an opinion from the Supreme Court would prove valuable for the cases still making its way through the courts. That said, the justices would have to agree to hear the case in the first place, and that's never a sure thing.

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