Could Bandwidth Caps Come to Cell Phones-Because of Porn?


Just ask Yusuke Tsunoda, a Tokyo-based business analyst who explains the implications with more innuendo that we could have possibly requested.

"Pornography will eventually open a debate about how carriers should modify their business model as data traffic swells," Tsunoda tells Bloomberg. "It may prompt even tighter access restrictions."

Now, to be fair, the carriers don't have any firm data on how much of Japan's mobile surfing is purely porn-related. They do, however, say the majority of the data transferring is likely from movie streaming, and the nation's top porn providers say mobile-based sales are "driving [their] revenue growth." If that's not enough, a telecommunications research group tells Bloomberg mobile-based porn revenue is exploding, with projections showing cash flow from cell phone smut more than doubling over the next five years.

The Need For Speed

The issue, of course, comes down to speed: Japanese customers are complaining that access is slowing down to a stop around peak usage times (which, in this case, happen to be around midnight -- surprise, surprise). The parameters may differ, but the overall concerns really aren't a far cry from those that have led American Internet providers to experiment with in recent months. Whether it's or , the concepts all revolve around companies taking steps to keep heavy users from dragging their networks down.