Cookin' Up Finance at Famous Dave's


For me, understanding and admitting what you can and can't control is always a challenge. I get asked a lot about what keeps me up at night. What I can control doesn't keep me up at night. But the government regulations on mandatory disclosure of calories, healthcare reforms that impact the business and the shareholder and ultimately the consumer--those are the things I struggle with. I worry about the things I can't control, and sometimes I just have to admit I can't do anything about it. I just have to try to make the best decisions and react appropriately.

It focuses on approachability, integrity, certainly transparency, inclusion, and ultimately delivering results. I know that my team, without a doubt, would tell you I have very high expectations of them. But I also have high expectations of myself, and I truly do not expect anything from my team that I'm not willing to give. It's important for leaders to walk the talk. I think it makes a difference that my team knows that at a moment's notice I'm willing to drop what I'm doing to help them. I'll go to the wall for them, but I expect the same in return.

I've had a variety of mentors. But the reality is, it's really important to have a willingness to learn. I learn something every day, whether from someone in my department or someone on the executive team. I have a lot of people who provide me mentorship who don't even know it.