Coming soon: Cameras that never stop taking pictures


The advantage is that by taking many more pictures, you're more likely to capture unexpected or better images. Professional photographers take a lot more pictures than amateurs, because they know that taking 500 pictures of something instead of just five increases the chance of getting at least one great picture.

This "pro tip" is even more advantageous for bad photographers like me. That's why my last camera purchase was a Canon EOS 7D, which takes 8 frames per second, and can take 130 pictures in a row at the highest jpeg setting at that speed.

It's amazing how much better a photographer I am when the photo I show you was the best of 100 pictures, rather than the best of three. (The reason security cameras in, say, retail stores, never stop taking pictures is that they want to capture unexpected moments.)

In both cases, constant picture taking prevents you from missing the very best image.

The one disadvantage is that all those pictures have to be managed and dealt with. And being able to manage massively high numbers of photos is where technology is lagging.