Cloud platform comparison: CloudStack, Eucalyptus, vCloud Director and OpenStack


Price: You can choose between the open-source free Eucalyptus Cloud and the Eucalyptus Enterprise Cloud. Information on .

Community: Like any other open-source product, Eucalyptus has a powerful community that contributes to platform development and assists in finding and fixing bugs. We did not experience any difficulties when installing and configuring this product, so we cannot comment on how helpful the community is. Anyway, they did a great job developing the product.

Documentation: covers the installation process but does not provide much information on any other aspects of working with the software. A prospective user should have a strong technical background, because the guides provide no information on and become useless, if a more complicated configuration is required.

Experience: Our team installed the open-source version and configured the platform following the instructions provided in the documentation. We used CentOS 5.5 for the cloud controller and CentOS 5.5 together with XEN hypervisor for the hosts. Our cloud was successfully added to RightScale. There is no management console, so you have to either use euca2tools or combine Eucalyptus with RightScale. The commercial version of the product does have a management console, which makes it more user-friendly.

Possible issues and bug fixes: