China accused of jamming TV, websites in Ethiopia


The government of China, Mulat said, should realize that collaborating with African tyrants and exporting tools of repression to countries like Ethiopia is an act that will further tarnish the image of China.

"Although the spreading of the demonstrations has now slowed down, many African presidents are still living in fear as we hear them condemn the demonstrations everyday," said Edith Mwale, a telecom analyst from African Center for ICT Development. "China will do everything possible in any African country to protect its investment and business interests," she added.

Chinese companies have a recent history of being charged with corruption in telecom bids taking place in countries including Zambia, Uganda and Sierra Leone. In 2009, the Ugandan government suspended the buildout of fiber-optics by Huawei Technologies because of corruption allegations.

The EFJA's accusation comes less than a month after that China's foreign assistance and investment in Africa have not been consistent with generally accepted international norms of transparency and good governance.

In 2009 alone, China pumped $10 billion in investment and development into Africa's telecom and extraction industries, making China the largest single investor in Africa. In Ethiopia, China is financing via loans a US$1.5 billion Ethiopian Millennium Project, described by African telecom analysts as the largest information and communication technology (ICT) project to be financed by China in Africa. Additionally, China also financed a project to create a fiber-optic transmission backbone across the country in order to expand the cellular GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) network, with an estimated 8.5 million new connections.