Cerf: Streaming network crunch could be eliminated


"It actually puts less stress on the network to have the higher speed of operation," he said.

Beyond this use, Cerf mentioned no other possible uses of gigabit-rate home broadband, but stressed that people will "find new ways of using capacity that you never thought of."

Google's demonstration may be one that Internet carriers will watch closely. In October, broadband network services provider Sandvine reported that in the United States, streaming Netflix content of all downstream traffic during the evening hours. As a result, Internet service providers about the possibility of streaming services such as Netflix consuming all their available bandwidth.

Cerf, who helped design the Internet's base TCP/IP protocols, also addressed a number of other issues, such as Google's stance on network neutrality and his work on the Interplanetary Internet.

Last year, Google and Verizon for establishing rules in the United States for maintaining an open Internet. The pitch for open access, however, was widely criticized for excluding mobile access.