Career watch


For IT professionals, it's the workload that produces the stress. SkillSoft reports that four out of five say they feel stressed before they even enter the workplace, as they gear up for another day of fielding complaints, feeling pressure from managers and meeting daily targets.

That IT is a nerve-wracked occupation came as no surprise to the folks at SkillSoft; they commissioned the survey with the expectation that they would find evidence of that very thing.

"Our research was sparked by a recent Gartner report which claims that an untrained or undertrained desktop user will cost an organization five times more to support than a well-trained worker," says Kevin Young, managing director at SkillSoft. "This led us to thinking about how much pressure this must also put on the IT professionals who have to provide such support."

-- 97: Percentage of IT workers who say their work life is stressful on a daily basis.

Of note