Can Social Networking Be Secure at Work?


The consequences of these types of hacks can be incredibly harmful. According to the report, nearly 30 percent lead to the leakage of sensitive information. Around 13 percent resulted in actual monetary loss, while more than 10 percent installed malware on computers or their corresponding networks.

The report will likely fuel the resolve of . By most measures, out of concerns about security and productivity.

Lavenda's company, WorkLight, has a vested interest in the study: It without it living on the servers of those sites.

The company takes a different approach to social networking than other Enterprise 2.0 vendors. (" " is a marketing term used to describe how Web 2.0 technologies are mimicked for enterprise use.) While most focus on creating new enterprise software based on blog, wiki or social networking technology, WorkLight claims that it allows your employees to stay (safely) on their favorite consumer sites to connect with each other and customers and partners.

In the market, Lavenda says , but have been at times reluctant, due to anecdotal stories about security breaches. The report, he says, will allow them to know what those threats are and make informed decisions about letting users access the sites.