Broadband funding stirs hot debate at ATUG


"As long as we are getting the return on investment on the network then we don't see it as an issue whether we are selling the services ourselves or somebody else is selling them."

Even within the alliance the companies will be at times wholesaling services to each other and at other times, where there is coverage overlap, they will be in direct competition.

"In some instances you may see Austar and Soul competing with each other in some markets. Soul is our backhaul provider, but we will be offering them our wireless services at a wholesale level. They will also be offering us their DSL service, but our wireless service will be competing with their DSL service in some areas where there is coverage overlap," Weir said.

"None of us see an issue with that. That is where the opportunity lies, because retail competition is going to be what drives innovation. And we also know that any market we go into Telstra will turn up in, either five minutes before or five minutes later, which will further drive innovation."