Australian agencies not clear about ICT buying plans


"We expect to see over 600 planned ICT procurements listed this year, in keeping with the volume we saw last year," Hurditch said."Despite the fact that agencies are under no obligation to proceed with any listed procurement, they are still a sales planning resource that cannot be ignored."

She said a difficulty for suppliers with the expected progressive updating of plans is the volume of changes that can now be expected to come through each month. Intermedium noted more than 45 changes per month last year.

These included new opportunities, timing changes, deletions and the maturation of planned procurements into tender processes and award of contract. "Companies will need to continually monitor agency plans to ensure they don't miss any crucial updates," she said.

Intermedium is releasing a guide to government procurement and update service called scout IT on July 10, 2006.

Following a review of ICT procurement late last year, the federal government is currently developing model contracts for all agencies.