Attack of the Zombie Games


Zombie Shooter (PC)From the company that brought you such creatively named titles as Alien Shooter and Alien Shooter 2 comes . I'll give you two guesses what the game's about. Yes, there are zombies. And you shoot them. How's that for a review?

Seriously, though, the Shooter games from Sigma Team aren't about conserving ammo or carefully creeping around corners--they're balls-to-the-wall versions of Diablo. The titles have some role-playing elements (you level up your stats and weaponry), but gameplay-wise, they're about as deep as a kiddie pool. And I'm okay with that. This game revolves around sweet graphics and satisfying sound blasts, and then the ride is over. You could probably power through it in a couple hours and walk away happy if all you're looking for is a straight-up shooting game (other, less engaging modes exist if you're still hungry for blood).

Zombie games aren't dead quite yet, but we must be vigilant. A lot of me-too developers are slapping on a zombie theme and hoping for the best. If this keeps up, my undead brothers in arms run the risk of jumping (some of them do jump, right?) the proverbial shark. Go --they've started slipping back into the shadows. And ? After the recent dustups off the Somali coast, a pint o' grog ain't what it used to be. And , the end was near. But so long as there are enough good zombie games that people will want to play, the dead will keep rising.

And I'll keep knocking 'em back down.