Apple's iPad fends off all comers, says survey


However, the iPad's "very satisfied" numbers are down slightly from last year, when 72% of owners selected that choice.

ChangeWave also tracked an increase in consumer interest in tablets, and evidence that money spent on the devices was being sucked away from e-readers and traditional PCs, especially laptops and netbook.

Since last October, the number of those polled who said they would buy a tablet at some future point climbed by two percentage points, Carton said.

On the cannibalization question, 26% of the respondents said they'd canceled or put on hold plans to buy an e-reader after acquiring a tablet, up from 2010's 17%. The jump in those saying they'd skipped purchasing a personal computer was smaller: 25% said they had postponed laptop, netbook or desktop buying plans once they had a tablet, up from 19% several months ago.

ChangeWave's survey results jibe with projections today by the research firm IDC, which said Apple will retain a 70%-80% share of the tablet market during 2011, even as the competition heats up.