Apple fails to meet Norwegian iTunes demands


"In their reply, iTunes show a will to change and to keep up a dialogue, but a lot of issues are still at stake before agreement can be reached on all points. Important issues such as a disclaim of responsibilities and the locking of the product to iPod remain unsolved," said Bente 'verli, a section leader for Norway's Consumer Ombudsman.

Apple partly met some of Norway's requirements in its letter, such as the demand that purchase conditions may not be altered for music already purchased: Under paragraph 38 of the 20-page letter, Apple's lawyers explain that "iTunes plans to change service terms and conditions to make clear that alterations of such terms and conditions can only apply to future purchases, and not to content already obtained."

But a number of preconditions will still apply. For example, in the case that iTunes should cease to exist, users will not able to authorise music access for multiple machines.

'verli said that, although agreement could be reached on some of the issues, several very important consumer issues remain unsolved.

"A lot of work remains as regards a regulation of iTunes' disclaim of responsibilities. We also maintain that the DRM used to prevent illegal distribution of music should not limit consumers' choice of music player for music purchased legally. On these issues we still have legal dispute", says Bente 'verli.