Anonymous hacks church Web site during live interview


It also showed a map of the entire internal network of the church.

Shirley Phelps-Roper, a spokeswoman for the Topeka-based church, today downplayed the attack against its Web site by Anonymous.

Anonymous had been trying to break into the site for several days and had met with little success until today, she contended. "What they did was break into one server. They tried mightily for four days. They got nothing," Phelps-Roper said.

She added the attack appears to have been planned and made to look like a spontaneous hack. "I'm sure they worked it all out before," she said.

A Twitter message posted by Anonymous following this morning's hack appeared to suggest that the WBC break-in may have been a little more difficult for it than the high-profile one it pulled a few weeks ago.