All I Want for Geekmas: Armando's Letter to Santa

Dear Santa (aka Internet),

I have been a very good journalist this year. I didn't write any sensationalist headlines, and I checked my sources before posting a story. I already uploaded you my wish list in torrent form once, but just in case it was removed due to a copyright infraction, I'll post it here for all to see. Here are the 5 geeky gadgets that would make this Christmas the merriest one of all (for me anyway).

Don't get me wrong, the is a nifty piece of hardware, but I would never dream of using it to play games. I would use it as a sandbox for all sorts of different . First up, building a robot that uses the Kinect and an old Atari 2600 as its eyes and brain!

Santa, could you also use your holiday magic (witchcraft?) to get me a Nexus S that I can use on CDMA networks? I want that front-facing camera and vanilla Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). Also while you're at it, some actual gingerbread would be nice as well.