Accountant eyes compliance via document management


William Buck has already implemented Docscorp's Pdfdocs product for ordering and collating heterogeneous documents, like office productivity and financial management files, which is the first stage of moving to a complete document management system (DMS). The firm has recently added the ability to save e-mail electronically from Outlook into a practice management system.

"We can add watermarks and different types of images, stamps, or [mark as] a draft copy," Khalil said.

"For example, with tax return sections that need to be signed, we used to print these out but now we insert an electronic 'sign-here' in document and the client prints it out and sends it back."

The firm is now looking at Interwoven's DMS which integrates with pdfdocs to give better collaboration and proper search with the documents to allow better profiling with metadata. Also in the pipeline is Docscorp's optical character recognition (OCR) server which will allow documents to be converted to searchable text.

"If we receive notices like tax refunds from the ATO in paper format it is usually filed away," he said. "With the OCR server we can scan documents where the image is converted into searchable text then put it into the document management system. The [DMS] will go in first and OCR server will follow closely."