A Wolverine in Fox's clothing


He's also an easy target, and Hollywood loves to pick on easy targets. The real culprits here are the employees and/or contractors of 20th Century Fox who leaked the pirated movie in the first place. It's odd we don't hear a lot about what the studios are doing to solve that problem.

Hollywood spends millions trying to create online buzz for a movie to boost the first weekend box office. There's no cheaper or more effective way than to leak stuff online and let the fans do the heavy lifting (unless, of course, the movie totally blows). The end result: 20th Century Fox rakes in oodles of free publicity in front of the audience most likely to respond: Net mutants, who'll watch it online and then come back and see it on the big screen, over and over (unless, of course, the movie totally blows).

So it's a win-win for everybody, as long as you're not named Roger Friedman.