A Geek's Guide to the Earth Hour Challenge

The wants you to power down your electronic life for one full hour this weekend: no lights, no TVs, no computers -- basically, nothing that actively uses electricity. Think you're up for the Earth Hour challenge?

Earth Hour: What It's All About

is scheduled for 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. in your local time zone this Saturday, March 28. The goal is send a message to governments everywhere that more should be done to combat climate change. Leaving your lights on, the WWF says, is a "vote for global warming." (Not that they're trying to guilt you into participating or anything...)

The WWF is hoping a billion people worldwide will make the switch. The results of the hour will be presented at a Global Climate Change Conference later this year.

How to Survive the Powerless Hour

So, a full hour with no electricity -- a daunting idea, isn't it? (If you really have doubt as to the level of your electronics addiction, take to see just how dependent you are.)