6 Essential Things Every Geek Should Know or Own


: Nothing shouts Geek cred like a homemade computer. Not only are you proving how well you can navigate yourself around a PC, but it also means you got to pick what went inside--faster RAM, big memory, impressive graphics and maybe more than one monitor are just a few examples of how cool a geeky homebuild is. You should have just about every screwdriver imaginable, as well as an anti-static wrist-strap set (hat tip to Simon on for the tip!).

: Because...well, why not? You never know when you'll have to hack together some hardware. (Hat tip to Joe S. on for the tip!)

: Chances are, you'll wear your geekiness on your sleeve--literally--with a geeky tee. A geek slogan or motif or something to do with geek culture are all legitimate and potentially cool. If you're looking for a cool geeky tee, there are plenty of places online to find good ones: Pop + Shorty has a couple of aimed at the fashion conscious geek, and occasionally sells some great geek-friendly designs too.

And of course, it never hurts to add some geeky buttons. If you're a Web designer, you .