5 misconceptions about file transfer security


When thinking about your network architecture, assume that sensitive big data is only going to get bigger and evaluate effective, flexible file transfer solutions that can manage large, sensitive files better than legacy middleware solutions and more securely.

Employees will always take the path of least resistance. If that means circumventing security policies by using personal email to send a large payroll file, so be it. For most employees, security just isn't their top concern and for other employees there is a more malicious intent. A showed that 40% of business professionals are sending sensitive or confidential information through personal email accounts to mask file transfer activity from management, a major security and compliance breach and violation for companies.


to check, and use, their personal email account throughout the business day. The truth is that personal email makes it easy for employees to walk out the door with your IP or sensitive client data -- or inadvertently leak it to an untrusted third party. If you're looking to stop your employees from using personal email to send work-related documents, an important first step is providing a simple and secure alternative.