20 April Fools' Must-See Websites From Google to Sony to YouTube


Brin writes in the : "Having skidded around a parking lot last week myself, I'm pretty sure that none of those test miles were as hard as it will be for one of our cars to hold its own in a field of 43 jacked-up, 800-horsepower beasts screaming down a straightaway within inches of each other at upwards of 200 mph."

A video featuring Brin says an autonomous racecar will be entered in competition by the middle of next season.

AdBlock Cats

AdBlock, the popular that blocks ads from showing up on the websites you visit, has temporarily replaced ads with adorable pictures of cats.

AdBlock developer Michael Gundlach wrote in his that because of the tremendous popularity of CatBlock, he will make a standalone version for people who will support it with a monthly payment. No joke -- that's for real.