Microsoft accommodates dynamic languages


JM: We made improvements in the .Net Framework 2.0 to be able to do dynamic calls. We're looking at ways that we can make dynamic languages friendlier, but it's certainly not unfriendly to dynamic languages right now. If you look a Jim Hugunin's work in IronPython, you'll see that there's some really good things. In fact, that's why he came to join Microsoft.... He turned around IronPython in a pretty short time frame, so it shows you that it's not unfriendly.

IW: With these projects Phalanger and IronPython, does Microsoft actively support those with developer resources?

JM: No, we don't. They're very much driven by the community.

(Editor's note: IronPython started as a community project but has since been brought into the Microsoft fold).

IW: Is there a short list of specific dynamic languages that you guys are working to extend support for or to make easier to run on .Net?