releases Flash, Dreamweaver videos

27.11.2008, a company that specializes in video training tutorials on Adobe Creative Suite 4 applications, released two new tutorials on Wednesday.

The first video tutorial is "." This six hour tutorial is done by Flash Bible authors Robert Reinhardt and Snow Dowd, according to the company. The videos show you how to create and optimize graphics for the web, add sound and video to your presentations, and use basic action-script to add interactivity to your Flash creations.

The company is also offering an hour of free Flash videos by Reinhardt and Dowd.

The second tutorial is "" and is hosted by Dreamweaver Bible Author Joseph Lowrey. This tutorial is 7.5 hours and will teach you how to create web page layouts, use CSS to add style and functionality to your site, and work with graphics and images.

The video tutorials normally cost US$49.50 each, but the company is offering a 50 percent discount for its grand opening. The videos are available on DVD or download.