CTIA Spring 2011: Hot Smartphones Galore!


The hottest T-Mobile rumor is regarding a version of , which will be rebranded as the LG G2X (not loving this name) according to the blogosphere. We first saw the dual-core Optimus 2X at CES and were impressed with its big, beautiful display and super thin design. The only downside is that the 2X is not a 4G phone so it is likely that the G2X won't run on T-Mobile's 4G HSPA+ network.

We'll also hopefully get our hands on the , which was announced this week. As a former Sidekick user and a fan of QWERTY keyboards in general, I'm pretty excited to see how this generation stacks up to my beloved Sidekick LX.


One of my biggest gripes about the Samsung/Google Nexus S, the Android 2.3 flagship phone, was that it didn't support 4G. I really hope the rumor of the coming to Sprint's WiMAX 4G network is true because I'd love to see another 4G Gingerbread phone out in the wild. The Nexus S is an excellent phone as is, but 4G makes it even sweeter.

Sprint took a page out of Verizon's "Droid" playbook by marketing other phones under the "EVO" name. At CES, we saw the . At CTIA, Sprint is rumored to debut the HTC EVO 3D, a phone with 3D capabilities. Does this mean a 3D display? A 3D camera? Personally, I think 3D on a small phone display is a bit of a gimmick, but HTC hardly ever disappoints with their innovative designs. We'll just have to wait and see what they come up with.