A licensing riddle

I tried to figure out how to obtain a "commercial" license for several trivial components from Sun that we might like to include in the distribution.

Much to my chagrin, not only did it take nearly an hour to find the license information (note that every JSR is licensed the same, unless it's not) but I still haven't figured out who to contact or how I might go about getting rights to distribute the components.

The trick here is that one of the components is CDDL, which has clear guidance on distribution (retain the source etc.) has no explanation of how to avoid the hassles if you want to license a "commercial" version. To mix things up we also have interest in a component that is under the Java Distribution License and one that is a mystery that I just can't seem to solve.

So what's better? A clear explanation that you don't like (oh the horror of MPL+ !) or one that is completely unclear? If you actually want to use open source software and not just pontificate about open-source-iness then it's hugely helpful if there is some explanation as to what happens beyond the OSS licensing terms.

The other aspect of this I really don't care what license it's under, I just want to consume it. If the OSS license doesn't make sense I'll go ask Sun to explain or make me pay for it. Oh wait, did I just suggest that people might want to pay for OSS? Alert the troops!