Want to telecommute? The Smart2020 report shows it's greener

, a report from The Climate Group for the Global e-Sustainability Initiative, has just been released. The report details countless ways that the tech industry could reduce emissions as well as monitor its own explosive growth that is predicted over the next 12 years.

Among the many suggestions made in the report to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases, dematerialization (reducing the amount of material objects that need to be produced) has the potential to have a significant impact. Along with switching to online billing and moving to digital media rather than other forms like CDs, the study found that the largest impact could be found by switching to teleworking, saving up to 260 MtCO2e (Metric Tons Carbon Dioxide Equivalent) each year.

In order to see the maximum savings, however, workers would have to work from home at least three days a week in order to reduce the amount of office space required for in-office workers. Teleconferencing and videoconferencing could also be used to replace between 5 and 20 percent of global business travel.

Of course, many companies are still reluctant to institute teleworking opportunities for their employees; while the WorldatWork Salary Budget Survey indicated that there was as a benefit, the Smart2020 report references a survey from TelCoa that showed that 54 percent of U.S. companies thought that teleworking made employee collaboration more difficult and 46 percent felt it made it harder to manage performance.