DIY Snail Mail Push Notifications

With email, texting, and all the instant communication methods available to us today, it's easy for some of us to forget that we still receive traditional mail in our mailboxes, especially if you're like me and don't get much mail as it is. Fear not though, because now there is a way to get push notifications on your iPhone from the physical world, alerting you electronically when the snail mail has arrived.

This DIY project looks pretty fun and not too difficult, but you do need to know a little bit about electronics or at least be willing to learn. The video makes it look quite simple but you're going to have to set up a PHP server, which can take a bit more work and requires you to have a server to work with. But some commenters people suggest that you can send you a direct message as a notice instead of using Prowl. This method would let you get updates on any phone that receives text messages and you wouldn't have to set up a PHP server either.

This is a great DIY project for those who don't want to have to check the mailbox every day, and can be easily modified to fit any number of applications. Just imagine, you can get a warning message on your phone whenever your roommate tries to pillage your cookie jar.


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