The Macalope Weekly: Comfort food


Unlike Farrell's disgusting diatribe, Noyes's piece is genuinely funny in its complete obliviousness. It's like a delightful mint after a horrible dinner.

Same goes for the inner workings of Apple's technology, which has traditionally been presented to consumers from on high as a "black box" to be used but not understood.

That's had significant security implications, as we saw with the arrival of MacDefender, which made it clear once and for all that the company's "security through obscurity" strategy just doesn't work.

She's still beating this drum. It's unbelievable. Despite the fact that while it's practically unknown on iOS, Noyes still has no compunctions about lecturing Apple on security. chutzpah.

Apple's "black box" strategy also flies in the face of the crowdsourcing trend that's increasingly being used by companies and organizations to elicit consumers' participation in key decisions and the early stages of product design.