The Macalope Weekly: Comfort food


True. Fortunately, .

It is easy to buy a pile of tat from a man who you think is Jesus, however Tim has an uphill battle convincing anyone that Elijah's mantel has fallen to him.

The Macalope may not be able to parse all of your ham-fisted religious metaphors, but if you're saying Apple's sales will fall like a rock under Cook's tenure, he'll take that bet.

Needless to say we expect Apple's shareprice to suddenly become more realistic today.

The day after the announcement, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 1.51 percent, Apple dropped 0.65 percent. As of this writing, it's up almost 10 points. The Macalope's going to assume that wasn't exactly the adjustment you had in mind, or you wouldn't have brought it up. Looks like your stock predictions are about as good as your sense of decency.