The Macalope Weekly: Comfort food

In these difficult times of change it's a comfort to have familiar things to fall back on. You know how when you're sick it feels good to eat mac-n-cheese, or pot pies, or alfalfa? Likewise, we can turn to the fact that technology pundits will always say stupid things about Apple. No matter who's in charge. stupide.

So. Try not to freak.

Look, if anyone gives you grief about this on the playground, just calmly note that Apple's new CEO can still beat up their CEO, so there. It's not like Tim Cook's .

We don't need to sort it all out now. There will be plenty of time to talk about this over the next millenium. Sadly, many a silly pundit will rush to tell you what it means. For the most part, and the Macalope can't stress this enough, .