The Macalope Weekly: Comfort food


Hahahahahahaha! If anything, the Macalope would argue that the hallmark of the current economic and political climate in the first world has been the utter of accountability.

On the corporate side, consumers are now demanding that companies open up about everything from product quality to pricing.

Katherine is fond of saying things that she wishes were true as if they were, in fact, true. But, as the Macalope is fond of saying in response, she is not . Her dreams do not create reality. Hey, the Macalope's all for openness and accountability. But to argue that it's here is just laughable. Which would probably explain why the Macalope is laughing.

Apple's long-standing paternalistic and often arrogant approach flies in the face of this new "transparency tyranny (PDF)," as it's been called. The company's longtime reliance on secrecy and its "we know what's best for you" attitude isn't going to be a sustainable one over the years.

Really?! Wow! Over years? Apparently not .