The Macalope Weekly: New iPad highs, new coverage lows


Look, the point is, there are reasonable complaints you can make about Wednesday's event. For example, while the Macalope doesn't feel the need to go on an expletive-laden tirade about the issue, the fact that Apple rolled over and --after making a point of doing that when the iPhone 4S was announced--is pretty weak. And you can complain about . Or, well, you can just buy the Verizon version like the Macalope did.

But complaining that Apple didn't satisfy the fevered pipe dreams of the rumor mill for haptic screens and a 7-inch version, things that no one in their right mind thought were coming, is simply not reasonable analysis.

And reading doom in an untucked shirt? You really need to find another profession more suited to your particular brand of crayon-scribblings.
