The Macalope Weekly: It wasn’t only rock and roll, but did you like it?

Hey, has anyone seen the Tupperware the Macalope keeps that Beatles rumor in? Yes, another Apple music event has come and gone, leaving us to reflect on why Apple failed to announce all the stuff we made up. But no camera in the iPod touch? That seemed like such a sure thing! Well, maybe not. And sensitive readers may not want to read the last bit where the shocking truth about Apple is revealed! (Spoiler: turns out they sometimes make mistakes!)

Like the aftermath of every Apple event, there were some people who weren't satisfied with what was announced. There was , , and, well, .

And it's true, there wasn't a lot of thunder, but we run into this a lot at these iPod events. It's a mature business now. Why rock the boat if the boat is already a-rockin'? Or is that the van? Well, whatever.

Apple's also playing it smart during a tough economy by making more incremental enhancements to its operating system and core products. Compared to Microsoft's "bet the farm" approach to Windows 7, the horny one thinks slow-and-steady wins this race and was quite happy with what was announced, even if he still hopes Apple updates the Apple TV soon.

Because his is starting to smell.