The Macalope Weekly: It wasn’t only rock and roll, but did you like it?


But without statistics, who knows?

Amongst Paul's laundry list of Snow Leopard complaints is "problems with the Cisco VPN." Now, this is a device used primarily in businesses, which prompts the Macalope to wonder who, exactly, these businesses are that installed an operating system upgrade the day it came out and how they are still in business?

On Thursday, about two weeks after Snow Leopard's initial launch, Apple released Snow Leopard update 10.6.1 in an attempt to solve some of these compatibility issues.

"In an attempt?" Okay, Apple's documentation of these releases is notoriously sketchy, but just because don't know what's fixed doesn't mean some Apple engineer is changing a few lines of code and yelling "Okay, try it now!" The definable bugs were either fixed or they weren't.

As Apple's market share grows, it's only a matter of time before Macs get plagued with a major security issue.