The Macalope Weekly: Beleaguered Microsoft


Brentwood's obviously heavily invested in the Windows lifestyle, and good for him. If that's your preferred device, more power to you (which, by the way, you're going to need when you try to run desktop applications on a tablet). But please stop trotting out arguments against the iPad that are almost as old as your Windows tablet.

The problem for Microsoft is that the "slap full applications on a touchscreen and call it a day" experience has been available for ten years, and only diehards like Brentwood have bought into it. If the Macalope were a betting beast, he'd wager Brentwood that the most successful Windows 8 tablets will be the ARM-based devices that don't run legacy desktop applications. But he's not. Maybe we can just agree to check back in after Windows 8 tablets have been out for a while. Like, over a year from now.

Windows 8 isn't the only part of Microsoft's business line that's got some 'splainin' to do, Lucy. Not all is crystal clear in Windows (Actual Windows Not Included) Phone land.